Saint Philip Neri
Serving the church communities of
Saint Michael and All Angels, Woodchurch
and Saint Joseph's, Birkenhead
The Parish of
Parish Priest: Reverend Canon Niall Mullaley
Assistant Priest: Father Sleevappa Medikonda
Assistant Priest: Father Malachy Ogbede
Deacons: Revs Gerard Boyle, Patrick Regan, Les Arch, Paul D’Ambrogio, John Birch
Secretary: Jane Edwards
Parish Office: 0151 652 5767

Digital Donation Station
There is a Digital Donation Station in each of our Churches for donations to the Parish by card or contactless means.
On Line Giving
Usual Mass Times
(see newsletter for latest information)
Masses from St Michael’s will be streamed.
Monday 9.15am Mass St Michael’s
Tuesday 7pm Mass St Joseph’s
Wednesday 9.15am Mass St Joseph’s
Thursday 9.15am Mass St Michael’s
Friday 9.15am Mass St Joseph’s
Saturday 10.30am Mass St Joseph’s
Saturday 11am Adoration and confessions, Saint Joseph’s
Saturday 6pm Mass St Michael’s
Sunday 9.30am Mass St Joseph’s
Sunday 11am Mass St Michael’s
Sunday 5pm Mass St Joseph’s
“There is nothing the devil fears
so much, or so much tries to hinder,
as prayer.”
Saint Philip Neri
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